
The relationship between a man and a woman does not end with the death of one of them, where we encounter many marital relationships that end after years of marriage or before the completion of the marriage process fully, and reveal the period of engagement between men and women each other's personalities, To be aware of his personality and fiancé and thinking and printing and many other things to be able to reach a crucial decision is either acceptance or rejection of any kind of relationship between them, and also test the man's partner in the engagement to find out whether it is suitable for him or not, and may face men Or women have some signs that may foreshadow that zoah Will be the title of their relationship failed, so on both partners not to rush to get married if they feel that there are some early signs that indicate the failure of the marriage.

Signs of failed marriage

Familiar wedding signs that indicate that the relationship is impossible can be identified by:

Lack of interest in the feelings of the other party:

Men and women do not have to complete wedding and marriage ceremonies if one of them feels they are not interested in the other. For example, Christine Smith of Virginia says she has suffered so much from her husband's lack of interest in her. He has always been preoccupied with her. She continued to say that she had repeatedly cried for neglecting her husband without paying attention to her tears or complaints, which led her to think repeatedly about divorce.

Stop partner support:

One of the couples says that the point of difference is the moment that his wife stopped supporting him. Joseph continues that his wife begins to blame him whenever he tries to talk to her about it, which led him to stop communicating with her as before, and then stop spending Interesting 

Times with each other.

Continuing Complaint: -
They say that make sure that you start up so that your end does not hurt. So it is the case before and after marriage. Both partners start to get married at the beginning of their marriage, and then things start to change day by day. For example, Tiffany remembers that at the beginning of her marriage To her husband three times to tell him how much she loved him and thought about him, but then she became overwhelmed with household matters and household repairs, and then became a constant complaint to my husband, which eventually led to the deterioration of our relationship. , And this does not mean that the wife should not complain to her husband what bothers you The attention so as not to go overboard 

In her complaint.

Low priorities:
The relationship between husband and wife deteriorates when she feels that it is not his priority. Many men are interested in achieving his ambition and goals without placing women in his priorities.

Controversy over small things: -

Both spouses realize that there is something wrong with their marital relationship when their argument is based on the smallest things. For example, Tiffany says that her young children love to drink bottled water, which always leads to controversy because he sees it as a waste of money.

Making excuses to avoid going home early: -

Some women complain about the absence of her husband who is out of the house. He is always preoccupied with work and spending time with his friends, which makes the woman feel that her husband does not love her and he cares about her. Especially since the woman is waiting for her husband to return home so that she does not feel alone.

Bad mood: -

The problem in marital relations is the difference between men's treatment of women after marriage. The man waits during the engagement period for many things that are bothering him if she sees her as a lover and is obliged to talk to her at night and day. But once a man marries a woman, To his wife, his anger increases at all times, and turns to the querulous man who checks on the slightest and the smallest things that strained the relationship between them and lead to the failure of their relationship.

There are many changes that take place between the couple after childbearing. After the couple lived life to their full potential, they enjoy going to the cinema or theater or playing their common hobbies or traveling to new places to discover their lives become focused on children and work, Their lives, and they are in a closed circle they can not get out of, and it is only limited to talk for a few periods about family affairs or visiting relatives.

No one denies that procreation is the greatest yes of life, which can not be compensated by anything else, but just as paternity changes in individual personalities, it also changes the relationship between couples and leaves a clear impact on them. The nature of life changes in general and the interests and priorities of the couple change in particular .

1. Negotiation

At the beginning of the marriage stage, couples often agree or share important and simple decisions, such as choosing a summer vacation spot, a mother's day gift or changing a car. Even if one is not convinced, the other tries to please and talk to him until reaching the desired decision in it.

After giving birth and passing through many years, the couple loses the ability to negotiate and differ in most things, even the simplest. For example, planning a weekend is difficult, they never agree, he wants something and wants something else, and the children want something else.

2. Leisure times

Always, the couple starts their lives, each trying to satisfy the other and making a lot of effort to make him happy. For example, most of the newlyweds spend the day sleeping until noon, then eat food, watch television, and spend the evening at home or outside.

In times of entertainment, they always try to find something new, like going to a party or going out with friends. Usually these friends are also without children, because those with children do not have the right time to go out and it is difficult to coordinate with them to meet them.

After childbearing, it's time to spend time enjoying friends' birthday parties, performing a children's school activity or watching a cartoon movie with them. These are fun when the family meets them, but often the mother is the co-parent. He chooses other means, away from the family atmosphere to enjoy the leisure time.

3. Dialogue and discussion

At the beginning of the marriage, the couple enjoys talking to each other, discussing many things and talking about everything from political discussions to commenting on the latest popular songs, discussing work and home problems as well.

But after childbearing, it may reach the lack of dialogue from the basis of only some of the conversations about the requirements of children and the home or complain wife to the husband not to examine their son well or cross the husband angrily not to feel the cleanliness of the house and so on.

4. Romance

One of the most important aspects of a marriage is maintaining the romantic relationship between the couple. The romantic relationship and the emotional moments soon end. At the beginning of the marriage, romance is at its peak. They prefer to spend time together in a romantic dinner in a restaurant or night On candle lights.

As the years go by, there are few emotional moments that make romance, such as momentary handshake when watching a movie, before children cry for their desire to go to the bathroom, take one of their favorite dishes together, or steal an hour to become alone after a child's sleep .

5. Love

In the past, the wife loved her husband, but now she loves the father of her children, who is involved in this adventure called "parenting". She has become loving him differently when she sees him. Their children, play with them, care about their affairs, and work hard to provide them with good living.

This is not the worst, since the basis of married life is understanding, affection, participation and respect. The couple must try to preserve these principles, So that their marital relationship remains good and continuous and does not turn into an undesirable path.

The world's most famous marriage advisers have agreed on a list of some of the bad habits of husbands, which may be a major cause of the destruction of their marriage.

Try changing the other:

Do not build hopes in changing your partner after marriage, and make your effort to accept your partner, just as he does with you. Whatever you do, you are two different personalities in the end, and no one changes easily. If you change, it will be his will, not the result of pressure from his partner. , This habit of the most common habits that cause failure in the understanding and harmony between the spouses, End.

Refraining from intimacy as a means of punishing the other:

This is why it is a catastrophic reason, and often many women resort to it to try to pressure their husbands when a problem occurs between them. Even if the husband responds once or twice, he will not respond again, and the relationship between you will turn into a state of apathy. , Put intimacy away from any problem, even if you are not in a position to allow yourself to be with your partner, do not use it to come to you and end the problem.

Giving smartphones (mobile, tablet, or laptop) more importance than your partner:

And here comes the habit of most men in our time, most of their time at home carrying their smart phones and busy anything away from the wife and children, and this is one of the biggest reasons for the anger of wives and the constant complaint of their husband's lack of interest in them and children also, there is no justification at all if The wife is preoccupied with the children to pay attention to her husband to his smart phone, but it is her participation in raising children and bear some of the responsibilities, and this will be a key factor in strengthening the marital relationship.

Reply the blame in a ridiculous way:

"You did not call Papa and Mama for a long time," says the husband. "You also did not call Mama only once for a month." Blum's similar accusation makes your wife or husband unwilling to blame you for something. Again, that is, he has become indifferent to your actions, and this is the first path of frivolity between the couple, and can arrive to destroy the love and affection in their hearts.

In anger .. Do not try to solve the problem:

Many couples fall into this trap. When a problem occurs between them, one of the parties tries to solve the problem immediately, while they are angry at each other. Of course, this will only come with more anger and discontent on the other side. Neither side can solve the problem this way.

When there is a big problem between you, you have to stay away until you calm down and continue talking after a while.

Do not take responsibility for your mistakes:

When you sin against your partner, recognize your mistake and do not take you arrogance or arrogance, away from the culture of apology and recognition, as is the case for your partner. Marital life is tight and attractive, and can not be based on the concession of one party only.


The comparison begins when one of the parties refuses to do the other. For example, when a husband is dissatisfied with his wife's way of spending money, he compares it to one of his relatives or mother, and this way of rejecting your partner's behavior is the shortest way to marital failure.

Do not compare your husband to anyone else, nor compare your wife to anyone.

Stop the quarrel:

Yes, what you read is true. When the couple stops quarreling, the relationship between them dies slowly. There are no identical couples, so there is no disagreement between them. Rather, stopping the discussions and arguments is the biggest evidence of a cold in the relationship and the indifference of the parties to each other. It matters what the other party does!

So, let's just get one thing straight - I know this would be a lot easier if your female friend would just throw herself at you. You know like: make a move; rip off your shirt; declare her feelings; or make a brief confession. The truth is that 90% of women won't do that. I know it seems unfair. But what is really unfair is that I'm now going to give you the upper hand. What does that mean for you? It means after I share with you the 3 main signals that demonstrate a woman's interest - it's going to be so obvious whether your friend has the hots for you. The only difference is that you know exactly "what signs and signals" you need to be paying attention to. And that, my friend, is exactly what we are going to talk about.

Sign # 1: female changes the way she interacts and behaves with you

The most important thing to notice here is the distinction between how female acted around you before and how female acts around you now. Maybe female starts to dress better. Maybe female will only see you when female has her makeup on or looks nice. Maybe you start to notice her feeling a little more nervous or flirty around you. Maybe female starts being more physically close to you by lingering during a hug or kiss on the cheek and allowing for more opportunities to have that happen. Maybe female seems a little more self-conscious around you and harder to relax. Different women will do different things, but if the female is your friend, you will be able to compare and contrast how female was acting in the past to how the female is acting now.

Sign # 2: female goes above and beyond that of a good friend

Whatever your level of friendship was with her beforehand, when a woman has a romantic interest, the female will do more for you than a female would any other friend. For example, if beforehand you would have to beg and plead with her to come to a family event to save you from the boredom of being there alone, now female happily agrees and seems somewhat interested in meeting and mingling with your family. If beforehand you had to battle with her booked out the diary to score a hang out time, now female seems to have a lot more available spots for you. If beforehand female would send you a get well text when you were feeling sick, now female turns up on your doorstep with soup, tissues, and season 1, 2, and 3 of Family Guy with the promise of even keeping you company for a while. If the majority of her changes in behavior lead to her being more involved and available for you, then you can bet female has a really big soft spot for you and her interest is more than that of a friend. What you are looking for is the contrast to how the female has interacted with you beforehand and how the female is interacting with you now.

Sign # 3: female is jealous of the women you are interested in or dating

When a woman wants something, female usually wants it all to herself. This is particularly true when it comes to the man female wants to date. If the female has her eye on you as the prize, it's going to drive her crazy when you are talking with or dating other women. Here are some examples which reveal a woman's jealous streak. female asks for dirty gossip on women you are dating and really targets on any reservations you may feel about this girl. female may appear to get uncomfortable or twitchy when you are on the phone to a girl who you are potentially interested in you. If you mention a girl's name and female doesn't know who the female is, your friend will inquire about it suspiciously - and shrug it off like it doesn't matter if it is a girl you happen to be dating. female may even become more sensitive when you talk about other women and could change the subject or get quiet and slightly withdrawn.

So, if you have a woman that has changed the way female behaves around you in this manner, then you bet female likes you. What you are looking for is not just one or two of these behaviors but a combination of all these behaviors together. Look for the overall pattern of how the female is interacting with you with reference to these signs, and it will become very apparent to you. If your friend has always been flirty, thoughtful, and jealous of all the women you've dated - then female has probably liked you all along and you just haven't realized it. No matter what your situation is, the power is now in your hands - it's up to you to decide what you want to do with it.

Perusing the female non-verbal communication still stays one of the greatest dating riddles for generally men. It's likewise one of the principle reasons why they regularly miss to exploit such a large number of chances with ladies that are at first pulled in to them. Next will impart to you the 4 female non-verbal communication indications of fascination that are most neglected by men and that you ought to never miss in dating. 

1. She stealthily gives you that demure grin and looks down to the ground instantly after you've seen her looking at you. 

On the off chance that you ever end up in a circumstance where you have a lady stealthily look at you, give you that coquettish, bashful grin and afterward look down instantly after both of you have looked, you can advise that she's pulled in to you. This is a standout amongst the most neglected female non-verbal communication indications of fascination that most folks are mistaken for, on the grounds that they regularly don't comprehend that ladies' most loved method for being a tease is to unpretentiously impart their feelings of fascination through their non-verbal communication. 

As the correct sort of reaction to this indication of her fascination, I recommend that you attempt to energetically say to her something as: 'You don't need to claim to be excessively timid, making it impossible to play with me since I saw everything.' 

The above line is additionally called an exchange line. All together for this line to work for you, you need to ensure that you do the accompanying two imperative things: 

a) Whatever you choose to state to her must dependably feel absolutely regular and amusing to you. The motivation behind why this is essential is on the grounds that in the event that you indiscriminately discuss something that you don't generally appreciate, the lady will soon have the capacity to get on your negative feelings that are leaving your non-verbal communication. To put it plainly, she'll get a feeling that what you're stating to her is fake. 

b) Immediately after you say your line and make them snicker at it, you ought to calmly either confront away or dismiss your entire body from her for a moment or two. The motivation behind why this is critical to do is on the grounds that you need to demonstrate her that you're not penniless while as yet being keen on her. This sort of your body move is otherwise called your negative non-verbal communication. 

Negative non-verbal communication done accurately in combo with the correct words and the energetic mentality is demonstrated to encourage folks to run over non-penniless as well as to make ladies play back with them and pursue them. 

2. She looks at you straightforwardly without flinching and promptly after that she takes a gander at your mouth. 

A standout amongst the most widely recognized female non-verbal communication indications of fascination disclosing to you that the lady is prepared for you to kiss her is the point at which she begins taking a gander at your left eye, then gradually moves to your correct eye, and afterward directly from that point forward, she has her eyes stuck on your mouth. This is known as triangular looking since her eye developments shape a triangle. 

I warmly prescribe that you likewise utilize the triangular looking activity at whatever point you need to kiss a lady, since this mentally readies the lady for your kiss and in a roundabout way discloses to her that you're going to kiss her. 

3. She begins touching you or touches you back promptly after you've touched her. 

At whatever point a lady begins touching you or she touches you back promptly after you've touched her, she's urgently attempting to tell you that she's pulled in to you. 

In this sort of circumstance, she's really welcoming you to physically heighten with her as much as you can in light of the fact that she feels turned on. 

Keeping in mind the end goal to securely take her to the condition of her entire sexual excitement now, I propose that you attempt to advise her "let me attempt this to perceive how this feels on you" and afterward you put one of your hands at the base of the back of her neck. Next you begin gradually sliding your hand's palm up her head until you can get a fistful of her hair at its foundations. From that point forward, you essentially get her hair and force it down with the goal that she needs to normally pull it move down. This procedure is demonstrated to bring about most ladies to give effective sexual reactions to men who know how to do it appropriately. 

4. She's continually confronting you with her entire body and after that she abruptly finds you and down promptly after you've moved toward her. 

A standout amongst the most neglected indications of her fascination is the point at which she begins continually confronting you with her full body and afterward she all of a sudden finds you and down quickly after you've moved toward her. 

When you see this sort of conduct in a lady, you can most likely tell that she's quite recently giving you her sexual go ahead in light of the fact that she's uncontrollably sexually pulled in to you. 

In the event that you ever end up in this sort of circumstance with a lady, I urge you to give her a sexually accused compliment moved down of your negative non-verbal communication as I've depicted before in this article. From that point forward, don't hesitate to physically raise with her in your most loved way and you're in. 

Knowing these 4 most ignored female non-verbal communication indications of fascination will stand you in great stead in dating so that you never miss openings that ladies are providing for you.
Take The Stress Out Of Signs a man Loves You Deeply

Whatever you have lately got into a relationship or enjoying a long period relationship, you would want to be sure if your man loves you or he is losing interest in you. To know this, you need to concentrate on signs he loves you deeply.

Commonly, men aren't good at expressing their emotions and that sometimes can make you confused or give you wrong signals. Being a girl, you do need to learn to read the signs he loves you deeply.

Keeping an eye on the following factors:

1) Does a man get a natural smile when he sees you?

2) Does a man pay attention to what you are talking?

3) Does a man call you anytime in a day to talk in general?

4) Does a man pay attention to your daily routine and is he interested in it?

5) Does a man remember your likes and dislikes?

6) Does a man try to see you often even if it means just for few minutes?

7) Does a man sometimes cancel his boys' outing just to be with you?

8) Does a man try to sit or stand near you and touch whenever possible?

9) Does a man happily introduce you to his family and friends?

10) Does a man care about your friends and relatives?

11) Does he happily spend money on things which you like?

12) Does a man plan future dates with you? For instance, buying tickets for the concert which is after 2 months or scheduling an outing with you for the next vacation.

13) Does a man like to talk to you after coming from work or simply take the magazine or TV remote controller in hand?

14) Does a man share his passion interests with you? Like discussing the latest car in the market or news about a football match?

15) Does a man talk about future of your relationship? For example, kids, house or family planning?

16) Does a man genuinely shows respect for you and praise you in front of other people?

17) Does a man pamper you, compliment you and like spoiling you with romantic things

18) Does a man take responsibilities to help you or to make you comfortable?

These are few criteria you can look for signs a man loves you but you can't be judgmental as sometimes personality of a man and situation are very different that these questions would not help at all, bur most of the time they do. A man who is less expressive may not give you clear signs but even if his behavior is positive for at least above ten questions then you should know that he loves you deeply.

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